A divorce or separation can be emotionally challenging for everyone involved, especially your children. It’s important to support your children during big changes, and ensuring that they feel supported through the divorce is crucial. If you’re unsure on where to begin, our guide explains some of the key ways you can support your kids during a divorce. For more information, keep on reading!
Tips For Supporting Your Children
Every family is different, so support may vary from family to family. Our list of techniques are basic ways you can reassure and comfort your children during a difficult time like this.
Listening & Communication
Open communication and listening to your children are some of the most important things you can do. Listening to your children’s thoughts and feelings helps them feel heard and allows them to confide in you. Opening an honest line of communication where your children can come to you is crucial for making them feel safe and validated.
Keeping up your children’s routine is a good way to support them during the divorce. While they are aware that change is happening, maintaining routines like school drop off, meal times and bath time can show them that their world isn’t going to be turned upside down because of the divorce.
Keep The Peace
It’s important to not talk badly about your ex-partner in front of your children. This can be confusing and more distressing for them. Instead, speak neutrally about your ex-partner to avoid influencing your children’s feelings.
Love & Reassurance
It’s important to continue showing your children love and affection, as well as verbally reassuring them that they are not the cause of the divorce. Giving verbal reassurance and keeping up the affection with your children can help them feel reassured and safe.
Quality Time
Although the divorce may be taking a mental strain on you, it’s important to commit to spending quality time with your children. Whether you’re watching a movie, doing activities or ordering a takeaway, showing them that they have your time and attention can be extremely valuable. It can also take your mind off the stressful part of the divorce too.
Richard & Lewis
If you’re feeling stressed about your divorce, you may be looking for local solicitors or family law mediation services. Well, look no further. Here at Richard & Lewis, we offer excellent legal advice regarding family law and divorce. We understand what a challenging time this can be, and we want to alleviate some of that stress.
If you’re looking for divorce solicitors near me, contact us today for more information.